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Alacran Environmental Science

Alacran Environmental Science (Alacran) is a boutique environmental consulting business focused on delivering scientifically supported invertebrate identifications, surveys and training

What are SREs and Why Are They Important

Briefly: short-range endemics (SREs) are organisms that have restricted distributions. Within the context of the Western Australian Environmental Protection Authority (WAEPA), the term is usually applied to invertebrates. SREs are recognised as environmental values that my be threatened by human activities involving large scale land modification such as mining.

Alacran Services

DIAGNOSTIC SERVICES (Taxonomy and Genetics)

  • Morphological identifications
  • Molecular identifications (DNA Barcoding)


  • Short-range-endemics (SREs)
  • Subterranean Fauna, Troglofauna and Stygofauna
  • Targeted Invertebrate Surveys
  • Salt Lake Surveys

FIELD TRAINING (Survey Methods and Equipment)

  • Field collection techniques
  • Field equipment
  • Sample Curation